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Growing old

Once again, this article talks about older people.

The piece’s tittle is “19-year-old care worker: I hope perceptions of growing old will change” and its author is Jodie Gornall. On the contrary of what most of people think, the 19 year old states that she feels more comfortable around older people than with her fellow teenagers. The teenager also states that “the age we now consider as old has increased with time, but perceptions of what old people are capable of and their value to society have not changed” so we can clearly see that she is defending senior people saying that they are not that valued in the society but that they are full of capabilities. Jodie Gornall also says that she feels “more at home with older people than with people my own age” and that she feels “more comfortable around a grandfather living with Alzheimer’s who talks about the ways things were in his youth, than I do around fellow teenagers recalling tales of wild nights out”.

In my opinion, this teenager is one of a kind. There are few people that feel this way about older people. The elder ones can also be fun to hang out or capable of doing anything. We need to know how to fight ageism’s stereotypes. People can’t think that a senior person is incapable, for example, and that the other ones will be the same way. If we want a better world without stereotypes we also need to encourage the person next to us.

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