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Older people in Media

Over the evolution of technologies, media created a stereotype around people’s age. Individuals in younger ages are seen as experts and older people are seen as ignorant when it comes to that.

This article named “We're tired of these stereotypes of older people in the media” defends the statement that old people are not that unaware. Saffron Alexander, the author of this piece, tells us that movies like “The Intern” and “The Visit” are “hitting the big screen” and that this making media look more age friendly, making then a contrast with the series shown on TV that reflect “ageist stereotypes that are often harmful and demeaning”. The author also states the stereotype that old people are computer illiterates and have memory loss. As studies approve, most of the retirees get their daily news from a technological device and that are turning their attention to online dating; it is also approved that “older generation are just as competent as the younger ones when it comes to technology”. As Saffron Alexander talks about this readings, he says that this “punchline is getting old”.

After analyzing this article, I came to the conclusion that the stereotype/thought that old people are illiterate and that younger people are the intelligent ones is completely untruth. Retirees are just as capable as teenagers. Maybe the release of movies like “The intern” and “The Visit” will change people’s mind a bit. Series are not making a good job at it but they must develop and “open their minds” as well.

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